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The Holy Light from Christ’s Tomb


SKU: STA-EN-016 Category:

Hieromonk Antonios

The Holy Light from Christ’s Tomb

A personal testimony with photographs and DVD. 

In recent years an insidious attack on the Person of Christ and on all things having to do with the truth of the Gospels has emerged. Still fresh is the vile propaganda of “The Da Vinci Code” produced by Sony Pictures and the pseudo-gospel of the deceitful “Judas”, publication of National Geographic althouf the latter, for the most part, has passed on to oblivion.

Christ, who was betrayed over twenty centuries ago for thirty pieces of silver continues being “sold” today by the impious. He remains the object of cruel and malevolent exploitation of which millions of Faithful bear the brunt.

In more recent days the scandalmongers of Christian history have targed the Holy Sepulchre of Christ by means of a so-called “documentary” by the Jewish American, James Cameron. His purpose is not simply financial gain but he seeks also to attack and darken the crowing event of world history, the Resurrection of Christ and the Faith of Christians.

Today, therefore, after so many years of silence of the writen word we are challenged to speak our from our own personal experience concerning the Tomb of Christ and the Holy Light that has been bursting forth from the Tomb after Christ’s resplendent Ressurection for so many centuries. Because if we not speak even “the very stones will cry out”.

Hieromonk Antonios


English Language
Book with DVD
Pages: 46
Size: 14×21
ISBN: 9789609274814

A personal testimony with photographs and DVD.

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