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Nick Marvel and the War with the BEAST

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SKU: GOB-EN-002 Category:


 Greek-Orthodox books Publications

If you have grown weary of the morbid clime of magic and occultism in children’s spectacles and literature…

Nick Marvel and the War with the BEAST

…whose adventures will give you an entirely new dimension to what is nowadays considered to be a story for children.

Imagination in children’s literature does not always have to be a bridge linking to magic and occultism – a phenomenon that is all too frequent in our day and age.  Nor does it have to be an escape from a “tough” and “unbearable” reality. Imagination can be an opportunity for discovery, knowledge and adventure, within a healthy, entertaining and pleasant environment. Nicholas Maravelias, an average, modern youngster, lives within the reality, the adventure and the miracle of… life. By having apposed his optimism and his hope for personal progress to God’s Providence, the certain love of his family – but also without shirking any personal effort – every moment of Nick’s day brims with intriguing experiences. A veritable adventure. Nicholas Maravelias – to his friends and fellow students “ Nick Marvel ” on account of his liveliness, his patience and his good nature – has no need for “magic” in order to live intensely, honestly and responsibly. His is a life filled with marvels!

A series of books for “children” between the ages of 9 and… 99!

From Athens and Moscow to Essex and Constantinople: an exciting and adventure-packed journey, whose only unchanging element is Faith !



Our day and age is characterized by a turn towards an occultism of assorted hues, which is projected universally and by every means, from within the young generation’s magazines, books and music, and primarily through Hollywood movies, with results being manifested in present-day social life. The philosophy of occultism and neo-Satanism – which has culminated in man’s desire for self-deification, a generalized moral relativism and the survival by every possible means of the more powerful – has gradually permeated broad masses of mankind. Within this general apostasy, the Kingdom of Christ, His Uncreated Divinity, continue to be the omnipotent remedy for every form of evil; an omnipotent Light in the deep spiritual darkness – a Light that is reflected in the rays of repentance, of purity, of mercy, of humility, of love, of eternal in-Christ salvation. This is the eternal and divine reality that Nick Marvel’s adventures also aspire to project.

The Nick Marvel series of books –written and translated by specialists on matters of para-religions– provide readers with explanatory keys to many occult practices and meanings, as well as their related terminology, by means of which the “underground globalization” has unfortunately familiarized vast populations, but which also points out and teaches them how to protect themselves from all opposition. Young Nick Marvel has already amassed “fanatic” readers in Greece, because his story is also the story of every youngster who – with God’s help – confronts the various forms of occultism in our time. His adventures therefore essentially comprise a “prophetic” eschatological narration and not essentially a fictitious story.

It is our hope that the present translation in the English language will render the young hero a familiar character to a broader reading public and through him, reveal the true Christian “phronema” (conscience) and the way that he struggles in the contemporary flood of anti-Christian threats.

Nick Marvel’s victory is the victory of man –the real man– over the Sirens of occultism’s “sub-humanity”; it is for this reason that we rejoice and bestow our blessing on the present publication.

The Abbott of the Sacred Monastery of the Pantokrator at Melissochori

† Archimandrite Kyrillos


First Edition: October 2015
Size: 14Χ21
Pages: 218
ISBN 978-618-81489-2-5

Nick Marvel -If you have grown weary of the morbid clime of magic and occultism in children’s spectacles and literatur. (218 pages, paperback)

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